


Like our customers, we too have always been attentive to the issue of respect for the environment: our goal is to reduce waste as much as possible with recycling systems, reuse of hangers and use of green raw materials.
In fact, our hangers are made from 100% recycled plastic.
All production waste is sent to the raw material supplier, who grinds the waste to create new regenerated material that is reused for new productions.
One of the methods of reusing hangers is to retrieve as much of them as possible from customers, select the pieces to grind, generate new raw material to be re-usedin the production chain and finally re-launching used hangers in good condition on the market.
In the last few months, also following the requests of our customers, we have selected and carried out several tests on new biodegradable and compostable materials in the liquid wood category.
These materials respond adequately to production requirements and have the optimal characteristics to provide a finished product with qualities such as mechanical strength, heat and aesthetics.
We believe that these eco-products may at present be the right starting point to actively support the objectives of respect for the environment, with a view to sustainability in general.
An increase in their use and distribution can only be an incentive to improve quality and contain costs.
The main difference between the terms biodegradable and compostable lies in the time of degradation and in the residues at the end of industrial composting.”
Biodegradable is defined as a substance decomposed by 90% within six months into simpler elements that can be absorbed into the soil.
A substance is defined as compostable if, as a result of its degradation, natural or industrial, it is transformed into compost in less than 3 months and must no longer be visible (therefore the product must disintegrate)”.